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Athena Parthenos
978-4-08-631317-9 - Cópia
Age Millennia
Gender Female
Ethnicity Greek
Hair Color Silver
Eye Color Black Onyx
Equipment Nike Spear (previously)

Aegis Shield
Gorgoneion Medallion

Personal Status
Rank Goddess
Voice Actor

Athena Parthenos is Goddess Athena of greek mythology.


Athena was an ally of the Greeks during the Trojan War,
but its true purpose was the extinction of the human race.


Athena has the appearance of a beautiful girl of roughly 13-14 years old, Athena was wearing a robe with dark green color, her rather short silver hair contained radiance like liquefied moonlight, while her eyes reminded him of jet black onyx. Even though her pupils were jet black, they seemed to shine with strong brilliance.


Athena is shown to be a very cold, arrogant, prideful and rather ruthless godess, yet she is also very wise, cunning and collected. 


Light Novels[]

Shiniki no Campiones Volume 1: made her first official appearance.

Shiniki no Campiones Volume 5

Powers & Abilities[]

Nike Spear:[]

To protect Athena the Goddess Nike sacrificed herself, taking the form of a spear that was then used by Athena in combat.

Aegis Shield:[]

The mythical shield engraved with the face of Medusa it was donated to her by Zeus. It has enough power to withstand a Retribution of Nemesis.

Gorgoneion Medallion:[]

Contains the power of petrification. This power is so great, even plants and objects will be petrified, and metal will become natural stone. It is strong enough to partially break through a Godslayer's innate resistance to magic.

Snakes Connection:[]

Athena used this ability to summon Yamato no Orochi to help her ally Izanami in battle.


  • Her abilities, personality and attributes are the same as Athena's heretic goddess.

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