Campione! Wiki
Erica Blandelli
Kana エリカ・ブランデッリ
Romaji Erika Buranderi
Age 15 (Before Main Story)
16 (Series Start)
19 (Series End)
21-25 (EX)
30 (Campione Lord of Realms)
Gender Female
Ethnicity Italian
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Other Names Diavolo Rosso (Red Devil)
Equipment Cuore di Leone (The Heart of the Lion)
Personal Status
Relatives Unnamed Campione Ancestor

Paolo Blandelli (Uncle)
Godou Kusanagi (Husband)
Leonardo Blandelli (Son)
Monica Blandelli (Daughter)
Julio Caesar Blandelli (Descendant)
Shizuka Kusanagi (Sister-in-law)
Genzou Nanzenji (Father-in-law)
Mayo Kusanagi (Mother-in-law)

Affiliations Jounan Academy (Former High-School Division Student)

Copper-Black Cross (Former Member)
Round Table Alliance (Member)

Voice Actor
Japanese Voice Yōko Hikasa
English Voice Monica Rial

Erica Blandelli (エリカ・ブランデッリ, Erika Buranderri) is one of the main female characters in Campione!.


Erica is a beautiful young woman with straight lower-back length blond hair that has a hint of red, blue eyes, and an unparalleled figure having a trained, slender yet very voluptuous build with large breasts. In battle, she usually wears a cape with an intense design with black stripes on a red background.

Erica's body measurements are B87-W58-H88 cm (B34-W23-H34 in), and her height is 165 cm (5'5") in the light novel.


Erica is a courageous, passionate, and strong-willed woman, being a "Great Knight" and showing no fear while fighting. Erica also demonstrates great fealty to Godou Kusanagi, who she declares her love by saying "she belongs to him" and that she is his "sword and shield", even calling Godou her master and thus declaring herself his while fighting Athena for his sake. She has sworn to fight by Godou's side no matter the circumstances and believes in him with all her heart. Erica is very determined, refusing to let anything stand in the way of what she wants. However, she has remarked that she is willing to share Godou (and even encouraged Yuri Mariya to kiss him with a sly and amicable wink) as long as she is in his heart. However, she does have a limit on how many girls Godou can have and is furious when he gets another without asking her. However, after some passionate talk from Godou, Erica became more willing.

Despite having a noble appearance, Erica possesses a notable manipulative streak and is notorious for pushing people's buttons. Erica is additionally known for being a devilish girl who likes to tease people shamelessly, which she only shows to her close associates some of them call her a fox. She is also highly intelligent, very athletic, and a skilled strategist/tactician, and takes her duties as Great Knight very seriously in order to properly represent the Copper Black Cross (赤銅黒十字, Shakudō Kuro Jūji). However, very few people know that she is actually very lazy when not working, with a habit of oversleeping and outright petulantly refusing to get up for school in the morning, sulking, and mumbling in protest when she is woken up. She is also a glutton.

Although Erica can become friendly or sociable with other people she meets, it is mentioned that she mostly doesn't have a good attitude when receiving others. This is shown because when she met Godou, she was mocking and arrogant toward him. Furthermore, when she sees Yuri with Godou, Erica becomes possessive of Godou, and she tells Yuri that she is the only one who can love him.

Her demeanor is often very proper and cultured, and her pride and confidence sometimes stretch to the point of arrogance, she can be very straightforward and blunt in acquiring what she wants. She has also been seen to be vengeful and borderline sadistic to those who have wronged her in even the most minor of ways and shows no mercy or remorse when dealing with enemies on the battlefield. While perfectly willing to 'cheat' in battle, Erica will always limit herself to the same resources as her opponents in sports. If the opposing team does not use any magic, neither will she. It is believed that the only person who can get her to listen is her uncle Paolo Blandelli, who raised her and is the head of the knight's order of the Copper-Black Cross of which she is a high-ranking member. But it has also been seen that Erica also obeys Godou, given that she is his knight, and since Godou is a Campione, an order cannot be disobeyed, Erica reveals that it is difficult to resist giving in to Godou's orders.

While seemingly very bold and seductive towards Godou, Erica; however, was actually very modest about her appearance when they first met. When she found out he saw her in her underwear, she threatened to kill him. When she offered her lips and tongue for the information, she was very embarrassed and did not like the idea. When they pretend to be lovers and end up bathing with each other, Erica is brought to tears because she lost bits of her virgin purity to a man she didn't love or knew very well. However, after Godou kept risking his life and even flew all the way from Japan to Italy to face Doni for her self-worth despite how she treated him before, Erica found herself falling in love with Godou, something she never experienced before. Afterward, Erica became very straightforward and honest about her feelings, even ending up believing they were lovers. Later, when she began to open up more about her feelings towards Godou, she stopped having problems with him looking at her naked or even in her underwear, and she excused herself by saying that Godou took her virgin purity and that is why she does it.

Taking into account her arrogant and teasing character, Erica has been seen to be disrespectful, and she can also behave like this even with the Campione as it is seen with Doni and Voban; In Doni's case, it has been seen that Erica gets upset and agrees with Godou that Doni is an idiot, while with Voban, although when they had their encounter regarding Yuri, and Erica was respectful with him, she immediately makes a teasing of Voban with lying that it was Doni who told her and Godou how to put the elders in their place. This has also been seen that she has applied with Godou, since even after Godou became Campione, Erica continued to tease him. Erica comes to insult Godou and at other times makes selfish or haughty comments, but if it is compared to how Erica was with him previously, it can be seen that all these teasing are superficial which could be said that it's a way of loving him. Besides, although Erica has made fun of Doni and thinks that he is an idiot, she still shows him respect but rather she is obliged to do so, while with Godou, Erica despite the teasing, does respect him really, that is shown when Erica is alone with Godou or when it is time for battle or danger. Despite the teasing that she makes with Godou, Erica becomes it sometimes, in one of those she does it unconsciously, but it stands out mainly as a way to reprimand him or when she is upset with him.

Erica, at times, supports the other girls and guides them whenever they are performing a ritual with Godou. She even showed a maternity nature when Liliana was too shy or unsure about herself when pleasing Godou.

Erica wishes she could magically give herself the power of flight with a spell, like a Witch.


Erica was born in Milan to unnamed parents, and she was a direct descendant of an unknown Campione whose illegitimate son was a Commander-in-Chief of the magic society "Copper-Black Cross", which is an organization descended from the Knights Templar. Her parents died or were separated from her through unknown circumstances, and she was raised by her only known living relative, Paolo Blandelli, who held the title of Crimson Devil, the title was given to the Great Knight and field leader of that society. She is stated to have been a long-time friend/rival of Liliana Kranjcar, whom she met at the age of two and grew up alongside.

Erica trained as a knight of Copper-Black Cross and eventually gained her knighthood at the age of twelve. It was shortly after that when she first met the Campione Salvatore, Doni, and later gained her magic sword, Cuore di Leone.


Light Novel (Spoiler)

Volume 1:

Erica was introduced in Volume 1 as she and the other knights discussed who would hand the Grimoire known as the Gorgoneion to. Erica made the suggestion to hand it to Godou the rumored new Campione and to prove his worth, she volunteered herself to fight him. That night, Godou finally met Erica and started complaining to her about many things. Godou followed Erica to their battleground. Once there, their observers and arbitrators of their battle, three Great Knights of other knightly orders, signal them to fight. The battle started with Godou “retreating” and then later cornered, and then finally Godou retaliated and won the battle. Of course, during the battle, a large portion of the Roman Colosseum was destroyed by Godou summoning the Boar. Before Godou went back to Japan, Erica gave the Grimoire to Godou to take back with him.

Erica arguing with Yuri

(A few days pass) Erica suddenly appears in Japan to warn Godou that a Heretic God has just arrived in Japan because of the Grimoire; with Erica's suggestion to the Japanese Miko, Yuri Mariya, they discovered that this Heretic God was Athena. Godou and Erica then confront Athena, only to be setback by Godou's naivete in believing there might be a peaceful outcome. The result was Athena giving Godou a literal kiss of death; fortunately, his Campione magical resistance allowed him to survive long enough for his Authority, the Ram, to restore his health. Once recovered, Godou and Erica are off to confront Athena again. With a little help from Yuri to summon them by using one of Godou’s Authorities, he and Erica just arrived when Athena powered up using the Grimoire. Godou then engaged Athena in combat with Erica’s support and in the end, won the battle; though not without a considerable amount of collateral damage to their surroundings. Godou then let the weakened Athena go, despite the objections of Erica and Yuri. (Two days later, Monday) Erica greeted Godou in front of the school and told him that she just transferred in and then Yuri arrived at the scene and they started having an argument with Godou in between them praying to God.

Volume 2:

In Volume 2, it's basically the calm before the storm as Godou, Erica, and Yuri go about with their daily school life and routines. (Some time passed on a rainy day) While Godou and Erica were going home, they were interrupted by a member of the History Compilation Committee, Amakasu Touma, and told that Yuri had been kidnapped by Voban, another Campione. Godou and Erica immediately headed toward where Yuri and Voban were. Once they got there, they were greeted by undead servants and Liliana, an old acquaintance of Erica's. Liliana escorted them to Voban where they first had a peaceful chat with each other which was going nowhere. Erica then stepped into the conversation and she soon provoked the old Campione into doing something. The provoked Voban, stating that he would play a little game in which he was the hunter and they were the prey, and he would let them have a 30-minute head start.

Erica kisses Godou after the fight with Marquis Voban

While using this opportunity, Godou and the rest retreated; while Godou was taking Yuri to a safer place, Erica fought off the many undead servants created by Voban, as well as Liliana. Fortunately, Erica recruited Liliana to their side by using Liliana’s personality against her and blackmailing her. Godou finally returned to the scene and confronted Voban and they battled it out. The battle ended with Voban having the advantage if the battle continued. However, Voban claimed the loss because of not being able to capture Yuri safely. Before he left, Voban stated that he was now Godou’s enemy.
Summer is approaching as Erica plans to spend time with Godou, while Godou plans to avoid her.

Short Story 1:

While Godou was being interrogated by the Three Idiots of his class, they threw statements of evidence that they saw Godou’s wrongdoing (hogging all the beautiful girls) by him, French kissing Erica, and another time they saw him spending time having lunch with Erica and Yuri on the rooftop.

Volume 3:

Recounting from the previous volume, Godou planned to avoid Erica during the entire summer vacation by asking a friend in Italy to hide him; Yuri forcefully tagged along on the trip. While on the plane ride to Italy, Godou is forced by Yuri to explain who this friend is. As Godou explains, he has to start from the beginning to explain the events, which led him to become a Campione.
During the flashback, Erica finds out that events in Sardinia suggest the presence of a Heretic God and petitions her uncle, Paolo, who was recently been promoted from the title of Diavolo Rosso, Great Knight of Copper-Black Cross to the title of Commander-in-Chief of the organization, to be allowed to go and find out what's going on and take care of the problem. Erica is hoping that by doing this, she will earn the title of Diavolo Rosso because she did not want the title to go to another member of Copper-Black Cross whom she dislikes.

Erica meets Godou for the first time

During her investigation, Erica encounters both Godou and a Youth, who lost his memory. She believed the Youth was responsible for all the unusual events happening all over Italy and as such, she wished to interrogate the Youth and Godou, whom she believed was a mage at the time. Before Erica even began, she was forcefully interrupted by one of Verethragna’s incarnations [Boar], and was forced to retreat as well as Godou and the Youth. Erica met Godou again, by coincidence, the next morning after the [Boar] incident. Their first meeting yesterday was not so great, so their attitude toward each other was hostile if not rude. Godou somehow got yesterday's misunderstanding solved as she had mistaken him for a mage who summoned a Heretic God.
As Godou was explaining everything, Erica tagged along to meet Lucretia Zola. Their attitude towards each other did not improve during the trip. Once they got to Lucretia Zola’s place, both Godou and Erica chatted with Lucretia Zola with Erica asking about god and magic-related things while Godou just wanted to hand over the item he was sent to deliver. The talk ended with Godou holding on to the item, Secret Tome of Prometheus. Godou, one way or another, tagged along with Erica as she investigated a place where strange magic was happening. When they got there, one of Verethragna’s other power [Goat] was rampaging. Erica engages it in combat, but with no luck defeating it. While retreating, the Youth subdues the [Goat] with the Tome of Prometheus. As the [Goat] lay injured, another of Verethragna’s powers showed up, [Raptor]. The youth taking the last “foolish” request from Godou, transformed into a golden sword, defeated the [Raptor], eliminated the injured [Goat], and then disappeared.
After the event with the youth again, Erica and Godou investigated another place where they stumbled upon (another) Heretic God. Luckily, this Heretic God was in a “don’t care” mode while he was healing his wound from Verethragna. Both Erica and Godou were still trembling with fear just by being near him so they just got out there, but not before they heard Verethragna’s voice declaring he would be strong enough to break through the barrier set up by Melqart, the other Heretic God, by dawn. When Verethragna, formally known as the Youth, came back by dawn; Erica engaged Verethragna in combat only to be defeated and injured. By the time she has healed her wound with magic, she found Godou unconscious but as a newly born Campione. Erica then asks the other Heretic God, Melqart, if he wants to fight Godou. Melqart simply dismisses the idea by stating he has no interest in fighting a newborn baby. By this time, Erica's attitude toward Godou changed.
By the end of the flashback, Erica along with her maid, Arianna and Lucretia Zola greeted both Godou and Yuri when they arrived at the other airport. Godou by this time knew this was all planned by Erica.

Volume 4:

Continuing from the last Volume, Godou, Yuri, Erica, and the two other girls went about their summer vacation in Italy in their own unique fashion.
On the fourth day of their vacation, Godou disappeared into the night, and the next morning, Erica believed Godou was just blowing off some steam and dismissed any notion of worry until she received a call from a fellow “Great Knight” telling her that a Heretic God appeared in Naples and that Godou engaged it in combat, but he was defeated. The call ended prematurely when the “Great Knight” got attacked by someone. Sords, all electronic items

Erica and Yuri were both worried and angry at Godou while Liliana protected Godou from Erica

and modern hardware on the island where Godou’s companion was staying at stop functioning. To find out what going on before they can help Godou, Erica and Yuri go into town to investigate and they happen to bump into Salvatore. They follow him and find a tied-up “great knight” that Erica was talking to not long ago on the phone. Erica and Yuri then confront Salvatore, where he irresponsibly states that everything that happens is his doing with a carefree smile. Since he wanted Godou to get stronger by fighting a Heretic God, his purpose on this island was to stop anyone who got in his way (Salvatore’s plan to make Godou stronger). Erica and Salvatore then engage in combat, which has lasted for only a few seconds with Erica being knocked out. By the time Erica could move again, Salvatore already left the scene leaving Erica to release the tied-up great knight and Yuri, and afterward, they could finally head toward Naples.
By the time they arrived in Naples, the battle with the Heretic God was over and Godou was in the hospital. Erica and Yuri were both worried and pissed, and they believed Godou needed to be punished for making them worry.

Volume 5:


Erica swears her loyalty to Godou

In Volume 5, with Liliana entering the scene of their school life and normal routine, Erica does not faze as she doesn’t see Liliana as a threat to her (taking her spot as number one to Godou). However, a true threat did show up and that person was Ena Seishuuin. A hime-miko and an old friend of Yuri, while secretly showing hostility toward Erica and Liliana, and at the same time openly states she wants to be one of Godou's women. With a few encounters and interference between the girls, Ena was forced (without thinking) to send Godou to the Netherworld; Erica jumped in after him, followed by Ena. Erica and Ena then engaged in combat; however, Ena gained the upper hand when she started using her sword, Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi. Luckily, Godou suddenly appeared and stopped them before it got dangerous. Ena then retreated to the living world, after Ena retreated, Erica after using almost all her power fighting Ena, suffered from the effect of the netherworld in order to help her Godou then used his [Youth] authority to grant her the divine protection of the god of Victory, giving her the vitality of a Campione, and magical protection. While Erica and Godou later (an hour later) got rescued by Liliana and Yuri. By the time they returned to the living world, Ena’s sword, Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi, had taken over Ena’s body and was going on a rampage. Erica was the first one to engage it in combat but later let Godou handle the rest. By the time everything was over, Godou saved Ena and his [Boar] happily destroyed Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi and the surrounding area.
(Unknown time passed after the incident with Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi). While Erica was having lunch with Godou and the other girls on the school’s rooftop; Ena suddenly appeared and told them that she was being forced to temporarily return home to be re-educated, but before she left, she stated that she wanted to be one of Godou’s women; shocking and causing displeasure to the other girls when they heard that.

Volume 6:

Godou receives a message from Yuri on his cell phone, asking him to meet her. When Godou and Erica get there, they find that

Erica uses her alchemy to turn Coure di Leone into a pilum

the one to send the message was, in fact, Yuri's little sister, Hikari, who wishes for help from the Campione, Godou, to deal with an overly persistent member of one of the Four Families. Erica decides that they should help, and makes a plan to deal with the problem.
After the group spoke with the young man, they agreed to at least see the shrine where Hikari is being offered. Godou and Hikari are given the treasure sword Zanryuuto, and they enter the shrine, while Liliana and Erica visit another nearby shrine, where they encounter Lu Yinghua and the Heretic God, Leviathan. With a great deal of work, the two defeat Leviathan, forcing it back into the form of the Divine Ancestor Asheran. While Liliana distracted Lu Yinghua, Erica escaped to where Luo Hao was and summoned Godou there. Once he arrived using [Wind], Godou requested that Erica stay back and Princess Alice take care of the Mariya sisters as he faced off with Luo Hao. When the fighting ended, Hikari's body somehow got taken over by the Monkey King.

Volume 7:

After being chased by Sun Wukong's divine beast monkey servants, Godou, Erica, Liliana, and Yuri are joined by Anne Charlton, who claims to be an associate of John Pluto Smith, and she aids them in driving off the beasts. When they were cornered, Ena showed up in a nick of time and got rid of the last of the divine beasts. After that, Godou fell unconscious from his injuries. After Godou collapsed, they moved him into an open-air hot spring to recover, where the four young ladies ended up stripping for Godou, much to his embarrassment as he ran away from facing such a scene.
The next morning, Godou sets out to find Sun Wukong and distract him long enough, so Yuri can get close enough to obtain the information on what kind of Heretic God he is. When Yuri finished her task, Godou went to retreat while Erica and Liliana obstructed Sun Wukong's path. However, due to Godou using [Raptor] to retreat and Yuri overusing her power to obtain the information, both were temporarily unable to move for themselves. While they were in this state, the other girls defended them with their lives while a giant monkey came crashing down to attack. While Ena handled one of the monkey Divine Beasts, Erica, and Liliana handled the other one and diverged it away from Godou. While they, Erica and Liliana, did injure the Divine Beasts, they were overwhelmed by its power and were saved by John Pluto Smith and soon afterward were teleported to where Godou and company were. Being injured and weakened, Godou used [Youth]
Youth's Ritual

Godou uses the Youth incarnation on Erica, Yuri, Liliana, and Ena

on all four of the girls to help them recover and at the same time, obtain the information from Yuri to use [Sword].
(Few Hours Past) Godou and his companions went to where Sun Wukong was and re-engaged him in combat. With the support and help of the girls, Godou was finally able to cut open Sun Wukong’s stomach and rescue Hikari. Once rescued, Godou ordered Hikari to help the other girls leave the area because they used up all their strength to protect Godou while he was rescuing Hikari, to which she complied. When the battle was over, the girls returned just as Luo Hao said goodbye to her sworn brother known as Godou. This surprised and shocked them as they heard this. However, they were a little bit more shocked when Hikari openly showed that she had a crush on Godou, unbeknownst to him. When Erica went over and pinched Godou, and she stated that he at least deserved to be punished, the other girls plus Amakasu, with the exemption of Hikari, nodded in agreement.

Volume 8:

In Volume 8, there are short stories, flashbacks, and slice of life events in different chapters.

Chapter 2: (This chapter takes place a week after Volume 7: Present day, current timeline of Campione!) The story picks up as Godou, along with Liliana, goes to Erica’s place to wake her up. Once they got there, Erica was awakened by Liliana as Godou waited outside her bedroom, soon afterwards, they had a one-sided argument inside the bedroom before they headed out to school. Along the way, Erica gave a suggestion that Godou should create his own association, so the other associations wouldn't try to use his Campione's power for their own purposes. Once school was over, Erica left the campus with a seemingly busy schedule ahead of her.
Later that day, Erica encountered Godou along with some female associates in a magic shop, where one of them rudely demanded Erica to tell her where the Campione of Japan lived. Erica, not amused, asked why they asked such a question when they were standing next to one. Moments later, Godou’s female associates fell asleep by magic which was performed by Liliana as she and Sayanomiya Kaoru stepped into the shop. Everyone in the shop except the shopkeeper and the sleeping associate stepped outside to sort out the situation and at the same time, explained it to Erica. Once Erica got the jist of it, she waited until Kaoru and Godou finished dealing with the situation before she spoke up thanking Kaoru with such and such.
Chapter 3: (This chapter is a short story that takes place 4 years before the main story of Campione!) The story kicked off as Erica was being driven to a monastery to receive her blessing and a sword for gaining the title “Knight”. Once she arrived there she met up with her childhood friend, Liliana, who had also just gained the title “Knight”. There they gave each other simple greetings in their own way before a monk from the monastery greeted them. Erica then gracefully stated to the monk that she wanted to receive the swords used by Saint Raffaello, and Liliana frowned upon Erica when she heard her say that, stating Erica was shameless in her words. After a few discussions between the two knights, Liliana also agreed she wanted to receive a sword used by Saint Raffaello. The monk then told them that in order to receive the swords used by Saint Raffaello, they first must find and ask her. He then stated that almost all the people who try to find her just give up because they couldn’t find her to receive her swords, except one “idiot” who just wanted to meet her and not her swords. As they were talking about that idiot, that idiot, as the monk pointed out, just happened to stumble upon them in the monastery, starving. After he had been fed, he left the monastery. Erica and Liliana followed him and introduced themselves to him in order to find out where Saint Raffaello was located. The unrefined young man that the monk called “idiot” replied to them in an idiotic or foolish style that made Erica and Liliana think that he was an idiot, but at the same time believed he was playing the fool. When they treated the young man to a meal at a restaurant after they left the monastery, they tried to trail him using magic. However, they lost track of him right away.
Believing he knew some type of countermagic, Erica and Liliana went after him where they last saw him through magic. When they found him, they confronted him but only to find out that he was indeed an idiot, but he also lost his memory; although they let him lead the way as he tried to remember why he was there and places he sort of remembered being. He led them to medieval castles and forts outside the city, as Erica and Liliana tried to think what to do next. The young man started destroying part of the medieval castles and forts, claiming that it might act as a signal fire for people who might be related to the medieval castles and forts they were standing in to come out. Moments later, a young lady riding a horse came in to check who causing the racketing noise, only to find her so-called unworthy disciple, Salvatore Doni as she claimed him to be was doing something stupid. Believing that the young lady is Saint Raffaello, Erica and Liliana immediately introduce themselves to her as Erica Blandelli and Liliana Kranjcar. Afterward, they tried to assess the situation by asking Saint Raffaello a question, but they got interrupted by the young man who wanted to fight Saint Raffaello. Moments later, Saint Raffaello and the young man known as Salvatore Doni were fighting. Unknown time during the fight, Erica and Liliana were blasted into an underground cavern. In the cavern temple, they found the grimoire “The Book in Praise of David's Great Works” that they believed Saint Raffaello was guarding. During the time when Saint Raffaello and Salvatore Doni were fighting above ground, Erica and Liliana used magic to memorize part of the book and later used magic to watch them finish the fight. Two hours later, they came back to the surface to greet Saint Raffaello and the newly-born Campione, Salvatore Doni. With one glance, Saint Raffaello knew the two young ladies used magic to try to memorize the book. Liliana then tried to explain and apologize for their behavior, but Saint Raffaello simply sighed and handed them a key. Erica figured out that was the key to Saint Raffaello’s sword and she was right when Saint Raffaello explained it to them. Later, Saint Raffaello told Salvatore Doni to safeguard the grimoire for her.
(Some time passed, minutes or hours after they left Saint Raffaello). Erica and Liliana were back outside the city of Florence and were taking a break, and they were planning the next moves on getting to Saint Raffaello’s swords. They were interrupted by Liliana’s cell phone call from her grandpa. After the very quick chat on the phone, Liliana told Erica that her grandpa is being asked to help the Campione Marquis Voban to gather Mikos and witches, and she is to assist them. They then had a very deep discussion on which mode of transportation they should take to get back to the city.
Chapter 5 - Omake: (Present day, current timeline of Campione!) In this chapter of Volume 8, Erica and Ena rescue Godou from another frantic assault from the school's "three idiots", mainly Nanami, Sorimachi, and Takagi. After successfully knocking them out, it turned out that Ena and Erica were competing who was the better and stronger lover. This was the result of Erica discovering that Ena returned to Tokyo by "someone" under the circumstances of "by chance", to which Godou suspects that was not all to it but refused to delve into it. Ena then stated she was visiting the Asakusa district of Tokyo in a dojo owned by Green Dragon-sensei, who was one of the four assistant instructors who had instructed Ena and the other mikos in various ways of martial arts. It appears that Green Dragon-sensei and the other disciples heard about Ena's situation with Godou and were asking curious questions, like if she is "finally going to be a wife" or "Have you had a baby already" and "Is your bridal training going well?". Erica discovered what was going on around Ena "by chance" again, then "dropped by the dojo" obviously out of anger and 'showily defeating the entire dojo' gaining the admiration of Ena. Then Ena and Erica started an argument about which of them was the better wife, resulting in a competition between combat and cooking, which eventually had no result. This only creates another dispute where they decide to settle the matter by trying to convince Godou to spend his winter vacation with one of them, or the place that they recommend. For Ena, she wanted to persuade Godou to spend some time with her at the hot springs in the mountains that the Seishuuin main house in Chichibu owns. For Erica, it is skiing in Switzerland with her family at the Blandelli family's mountain villa. Then they decided to find Godou to ask his opinion regarding their argument and managed to rescue him in time from the three idiots. After reporting their story without hearing Godou's answer, they soon moved into asking Godou's permission to interrogate the three idiots whom they all initially believed to be from some magic organization. After some discussion about torture methods, they eventually decided to dump the three idiots into a nearby pond only to discover their true identities and to find out that they assaulted Godou due to his lack of response to their request for Godou to ask his harem and Shizuka to take part in the school swimsuit + nekomimi maid cafe for the school festival. Godou obviously refused the three on the spot under the notion that the girls won't help, only to hear from Ena that she is fine if Godou persuaded her, in contrast to Erica who agreed with Godou that such a proposal is out of the question.

While Godou patiently dealt with the three idiots' complaints, both Ena and Erica suggested giving them appropriate punishments as they both felt that even if the three idiots did it as a joke without much ill intent, the abduction of their [King] is still out of the question. Obviously, Godou rejected their proposal only to suggest an alternative to the three idiots only to go to Akihabara to seek help from Lu Yinghua.
(Some time passed as Godou agreed to help the "three idiots" out with school festival preparation) While waking up during the night in his classroom, Godou was tired from preparing for the school festival and thirsty. He found some liquid in the dark classroom and drank it, not knowing it would force him back to sleep and give him weird dreams.
(During the Dream) Godou woke up in an unknown room and bed as Arianna, Erica’s maid, pushed a trolley of food by his bedside and greeted him before leaving the room. Afterward, he found Erica sleeping next to him under a futon. She was apparently at least wearing something while sleeping. She woke up soon afterward when Godou removed the futon and woke her up with a question. She greeted him in a way unlike herself (as in Vixen-style), but in a girly style, which caused Godou to be very confused about the situation he was in and unwary as Erica slowly crawled toward Godou. Using sweet words and showing off the maid uniform she was wearing, Godou was very confused and surprised that Erica was more feminine and less forceful until Erica got close enough to him and started kissing him. From a simple kiss to a deep kiss, Godou used all the strength he had left in him to run out of the room. (Dream End).

Volume 9:

The volume started off with Guinevere and Lancelot clashing with Athena somewhere in the Southern East Europe Area before Guinevere uses an underhanded trick by using the Holy Grail on Athena's body where it slowly sucks her powers that will eventually kill her (Athena). Athena retreated from the battlefield immediately because she felt the Holy Grail was eating her power away; after Athena retreated, Guinevere decided to head to Japan, where she believed her [King] of the strongest steel sleep, not knowing that Acouldna was also heading that way.
Erica using the Sacred Extermintor

Erica uses the Sacred Exterminator's form while fighting the white dragon

Back in Japan, Godou, Yuri, and Liliana, as well as the rest of the Jounan Academy students, kickstart the school festival. During the school festival, Erica was back in Italy due to some business she needed to take care of.
In Italy, while the school festival is happening back in Japan, Erica tracks down and meets up with Salvatore Doni. When she found him along with his assistant, Andrea Rivera, she asked Doni if she could look at the grimoire he was holding on to that he was safeguarding. She then was formally rejected by Andrea Rivera by him stating that she was not high enough rank to read it including himself. Not deterred by that statement, she used her persuasive power on Doni himself, stating that she could improve and become part of Godou’s battle potential by reading the grimoire. After hearing this, Doni readily agreed while Rivera could only frown at this decision.
(A few days passed since the school festival) Erica arrived just in time to save Ena as she was struggling in her battle against Guinevere’s divine beasts. Having received a call days before from Godou, Erica already knew what was going on as she arrived back from Italy from her training. Erica and Ena then engaged Guinevere’s divine beasts in combat while Lancelot was sent to where Athena and Godou were. Sometime later, during the fight, Liliana and Yuri arrived on the scene to support Erica and Ena.
(Godou scene of the battlefield) When Godou and Lancelot were about to make a last go, Erica told Lancelot that Guinevere already fled the scene. Upon hearing this, Lancelot also retreated, leaving Godou and Athena on their own. When Lancelot left, Godou told his female companion that he wanted to do this alone (as in a fight with Athena alone) which they agreed. When they returned, the battle was over with Athena gone; they then gave comforting words to Godou to make him feel better. However, they were suddenly interrupted by Amakasu, who told them that the grimoire he was holding on to was stolen.

Volume 10:

A week has passed since the battle with Athena, Godou and company were finally notified by a magic note stating that the Campione Alec had “borrowed” the grimoire, Heavenly Reverse Halberd, from them. Godou decided that since Guinevere wanted that grimoire, she might go after him (Alec), leaving Godou with the Lancelot issue to resolve. Erica then suggested that they ask Princess Alice more about Lancelot, which Godou agreed to, and they started planning to head toward England. Godou, along with Erica, Yuri, and Liliana went and arrived in England during the weekend. They spent the night at a nearby hotel that Liliana booked. Due to Princess Alice being restricted by her assistant, Erica formed a plan and they enacted the plan the next day after they rested up at the hotel. The plan was to meet Princess Alice's assistant, Miss Ericson, and trick her into releasing her magic barrier which was restricting Princess Alice from coming out using her magic. The plan sort of worked as Miss Ericson reluctantly released the barrier after their meeting. Moments later, after Miss Ericson left Alice arrives magically and greets everyone, not long afterward Godou and Alice get down to business about the origin of Lancelot. Alice explained to everyone that even she didn’t know the origin of Lancelot due to the change in its myths over the centuries, making those sources unreliable. During the discussion, Alice suggested that they visit places that might be related to the myth of Lancelot and use Yuri’s power along the way to gain some clues about him (Lancelot). With the vehicle provided by Alice, the groups headed toward their first location suggested by Alice. Once they got there, Yuri started to get the feel of the place with her power picking up clues about the origin of Lancelot, and they got an unexpected visit by Sir Iceman. Sir Iceman brought a message from his commander, Black Prince Alec, to Godou, telling him to take a vocation and not interfere with his plan. After Godou read the letter, he received a call from Amakasu back home, telling him that a strange structure suddenly appeared in Tokyo Bay. Sir Iceman then gave his honest opinion after Godou received his report, stating that it was probably his commander who suggested to Godou’s group that they either stay and do nothing or go back home.
Godou, Erica, and Liliana headed back to Japan while Yuri stayed back in England a little longer in order to solve the mystery of Lancelot. Once Godou’s group arrived back in Japan, they were then transported along with Amakasu visa air to show them the strange structure over Tokyo Bay. Once they were done checking out the structure, Godou headed back home, followed by Erica and Liliana. Along the way home, Godou bumps into his childhood friend, Asuka, who explains to Godou that there is someone at her family own restaurant expecting him; that person turns out to be Black Prince Alec. After Godou ran to the restaurant and made contact with Alec, both of them silently left the restaurant. While Godou and Alec are walking alongside each other, they start verbally attacking each other while Erica and Liliana can only watch the scene of the two [Kings]. Before Alec left, both of them warned each other, telling the other to back off.
The day when Yuri came back from Europe, Erica and Liliana interrupted Godou and Yuri's private moment at the very last moment. Afterward, Godou received a lecture from Liliana that somehow led them to an off-topic subject discussion with all three of the girls. Luckily, Godou was saved by the phone where Liliana, Erica, and Yuri ended their discussion. Soon afterward, Godou headed out to meet his childhood friend to buy something for his sister's birthday. That night the girls receive a report from Amakasu that Godou is missing after meeting a mysterious woman. He also reported that that woman uses some sort of hypnosis on a Godou and all the members of the History Compilation Committee that usually kept track of Godou have been found knocked out. Feeling and knowing that this may be related to Guinevere and Lancelot, the girls and the History Compilation Committee members who are present started planning out how to lift Godou’s curse.
(Next Night) Knowing where Godou was heading to and where he was, the girls arrived just as Godou was about to go to round two with Alec. Seeing Godou acting and speaking strangely when they arrived, they told Campione Alec that they would deal with their master and he could leave. Not completely upset by their action in interfering with his fight, Godou, despite being under the curse of Lancelot, still gave off statements, such as him wanting to fight Lancelot very badly or wanting to do whatever he felt like. However Erica reminded him that he still needed information for his [Sword]; with that being said, Godou being cursed was very forceful with all the girls for the next few minutes or moments while he gained the knowledge for his [Sword]. After Godou obtained the information for the [Sword], Erica tricked Godou into one last kiss which made him swallow an enchanted stone that would eliminate the curse. After he came back to normal, he apologized to the girls and as well as to Princess Alice who was hiding, but showed up when he mentioned her name. After he's done apologizing, he decides to head where Lancelot was since he was reported by Alice that they were separated maybe due to Alec’s master plan. Once they got to where Lancelot was, Godou and Lancelot engaged in combat while Erica, Yuri, and Liliana supported him. Campione Alec arrived on the scene just around the time when Godou was finishing up with Lancelot; once he (Godou) was done, they started having their verbal attack after Godou apologized to him. Alice reported to both of them that Guinevere used a revival spell on herself and she was at the floating rock that Alec created; both Campione and Alice immediately headed there. Erica, Yuri, and Liliana came later to meet up with Godou with everything over. There, they assessed their damage, which was Godou forgot he used [Boar] in destroying part of Yokohama Bay Bridge.

Short Story 3:

Erica was mentioned in this Short Story.

Volume 11:

The whole Volume 11 is a flashback story, continuing off right after when Godou just defeated Verethragna and became a Campione.

After having fought with Verethragna in a life-and-death match and coming out victorious, Godou woke up mysteriously fully healed and really hungry. There Godou and Erica went to a restaurant to eat, while Erica was away for a few moments, Godou got kidnapped. The kidnapper then interrogated Godou about what happened to Verethragna, but since they couldn't get the answer from him, they tried to kill him with curses and magic, which didn’t work. Erica then busts in on the kidnapper and knocks them out in one hit after she sees enough. Erica then explained to Godou that Godou was going to be fine even if she didn’t do anything because he became a Campione and no longer had a normal human body like everyone else. Remembering that there was still a [Heretic God] Melqart still around, Godou decides to deal with it before he heads home. Soon, Godou and Erica headed toward a local mage in their area that was recommended by Lucretia Zola that might help them find Melqart. That local mage, David Bianchi, indeed helps them find Melqart but at the same time maybe because he found out that Godou was the newly born Campione or the fact that Godou doesn’t know any martial art or have knowledge in the art of magic, he challenges Godou to duel so he can prove to the world that they the [King] is not all that. Well, the duel ended with David running for his life as Godou summoned [Boar] to destroy the local area. Erica then summons the local mage association for a meeting to take care of the aftermath of that mess. As they, Godou and Erica, were headed toward the island of Sicily, they had a slight problem which was a little greeting from Melqart. Once on the island for the duration of not going back home yet, Erica lied to the local mage association, telling them that she's Godou’s lover. Having to play as a fake lover with Erica, both spend an embarrassing night together. The next day, Godou challenges Melqart but fails and almost dies, but he uses [Ram] at the last second to save himself, which Erica later finds out after he wakes up. After Godou wakes up and fully recovers, Godou prepares for round 2 with Melqart, as he senses he needs to use [Sword] he asks Erica for help on this. After pondering around for a while, Erica uses [Instruction] magic on Godou. Once prepared, Godou went to Melqart for round 2. The battle ended with Godou knocking out while Melqart was still alive but weakened to the point of only barely able to use flying magic. Before Godou headed back to Japan, Godou encountered Salvatore Doni for the 1st time at the airport and his not-so-funny remark about wanting to duel.
Two weeks or so have passed since the battle in Italy, Erica receives a call from Godou asking about her circumstances and if he can help, since he was being attacked because of Doni’s order. Erica simply replies to Godou that he should ignore her problem and stay in Japan. Unbeknown to Erica, Godou came to Italy anyway as Erica later found out and watch from a TV screen as he fought with Salvatore Doni and then fled the scene after being wounded. Doni then order [Copper-Black Cross] to found him. Erica couldn’t stand to watch any more so she left the room. Erica at the moment was dealing with an emotion she never felt before; after pondering by herself she act upon it by deciding go help Godou. Erica found Godou, through magic, as he was trying to recover his wound just as Erica arrives and him losing consciousness. With Erica help, Erica calls up an acquaintance to borrow a place to spend the night. The next day they headed toward Erica’s villa and started planning how to fight Salvatore Doni while at the same time they sent a challenge letter to him with the date and place. With all preparation ready as they can be the next day after letter was sent, Godou and Doni face each other off at Erica’s villa for round two. The battle ended with Godou sending Doni to the bottom of the lake while being burnt. After the battle Godou was force unconsciousness to recover, and the next day he met Doni at the restaurant at the bottom of the villa because they were hungry. Doni happy greeted them and told them telling them that he almost die and he all tan up from being burnt. He then told Godou that yesterday duel he (Doni) considers it as a draw. Well, Godou and Doni have their petty duel call “eating challenge” before Doni left. Once Godou and Erica done eating, they head back to the villa and Erica report to Godou that, thank to him she is back into her mage association as well as being promoted.

Short Story 4:

Exam is coming up and due to supernatural interference with Godou’s life; he didn’t have time to study. So in order to prevent from getting a bad grade, Godou decided to do a last minute study. Upon hearing Godou’s plan Erica, Yuri, and Liliana decided to join in as well to study together. The study session ended peacefully.

Volume 12:

Being cursed (unknown to her or to us reader until told by the novel much later that she was), Erica believed that was she sent to Japan by her magic association to monitor the Japanese Campione. Unlike her childhood friend/rival, Liliana; Erica is less proactive in monitoring Godou and will do so when she feels like it. During the course of Erica’s way of doing her monitoring which is not much, she was also informed about the mysterious being that is causing abnormality to all the Santa Claus within certain area of Tokyo such as changing them to all grey color and such, and if discover, it kill itself. Several days have passed with reports of the mysterious being showing up and killing itself, Godou arrive near the bay with his own finally curse-free mind ready to engage the mysterious being that cause the curse in the first places. Believing the other are still cursed he went in alone but he was soon join in by e and moments later, so did the rest of the girls along with Hikari. It was thank to Hikari and Erica that the girls curse is gone. While the gang is catch up, the mysterious being is changing for the worse so Godou decide to take out its power source along with Liliana while the rest deal with the mysterious being’s tree. When Godou and Liliana return after they destroy the mysterious being source of power, Erica and Ena decided to tease them knowing full well about that they uses the [Sword]. Later on Christmas Eve, most of Godou’s acquaintances arrive at his house for the Christmas party.

Short Story 5:

The day after the Christmas Eve party, Godou got into a discussion with his female companions about his family New Year gathering and party and how he wanted to avoid it because he was often dragged into gambling with his relatives, which he always won. Not believing his claim of winning all the time, he proves to them by play a simple game with his female acquaintances. After several round of losing for Godou’s companion and winning it all for Godou, they wonder if this is related to being a Campione. Godou denied all this and stating there no such thing and that he do occasionally lose; that when Erica came back in from her phone where he play with her to prove he normal and indeed he loss and happily did the winner biding by going out to buy stuff for her. After he left to buy the stuff, Erica told the rest of the girls that she uses magic to winning and she occasionally lose to make Godou happy.

Volume 13:

Volume 14:

Volume 15:

Volume 16:

Volume 17:

Volume 18:

Volume 19:

Volume 20:

Volume 21

In Volume 21, Erica said that if she has a son with Godou, his name would be Caesar since it is a "villainy" name and no one in her family has.


In Episode 1 of the anime she meets a very lost Godou Kusanagi and threatens to kill him due to him holding a Grimoire, mistaking him for a mage from another organization. She then later arrives at Lucretia Zola's house, and soon after that, Melqart ravages Sardinia with his power to flood. Erica subdues Melqart, but then Verethragna came in and subdued her before Godou defeats Verethragna. Since then, Erica has fallen in love with Godou, although he thought that she was using him at first until she confessed her true love.
in the anime Touma Amakasu lies to Godou Kusanagi by saying she seduced men to destroy Godou Kusanagi trust in her.
in the anime Erica_Blandelli refused to admit her mistakes.

Powers & Abilities

Erica is a "Great Knight" who is both a warrior and "disciple of Hermes" meaning she is a mage of the Hermetic school of magic. She is considered the foremost prodigy of the Copper-Black Cross, and is notably one of the only humans who can battle a Heretic God and even win. As such, her magical and physical abilities are almost unmatched among humans. Although Erica was called a genius at magic, she did not know flying techniques. Her specialty is the manipulation of Iron, which allows her to bend metal to a degree, twisting and warping it to her liking in a variety of ways, the ability to manipulate iron and steel like her own arms and legs for attack and defense. as shown during her battle with Athena, when she used the shattered remains of the Holy Lance of Longinus to trap the goddess in a prison so she and Godou could make their escape. However, she also is talented in the area of ​​fire magic. She also seems to be able to hypnotize through eye contact, as shown when she commanded a student to move out of a seat so she could sit next to Godou, and can transmute matter to a small degree, which she uses to transform from her dress into more combat-appropriate clothing and to store and conjure small objects such as the Gorgoneion. As a practiced mage, she is additionally capable of numerous minor spells beyond her more powerful incantations, such as healing, creating mirages of herself to misdirect foes and bestowing her knowledge upon others; however, like all human magic, the majority of her spells do not affect Campione such as Godou, rendering it necessary to "inject" the magic directly into him (via a tongue-kissing). Despite her vast power, and her almost unheard of ability in a human to match Rogue Gods, Erica is no match for a Campione, as Salvatore proved when he quickly incapacitated, bound and gagged Erica, Arianna and Lucretia Zola at the same time, preventing them from using magic.

She has a magical sword, Cuore di Leone, which she can conjure up and use as a melee weapon, transform into a giant metal lion, or combined with the Golgatha spell to transform it into a spear which she calls the Holy Lance of Longinus which can pierce even a Heretic God. Cuore di Leone can also fire large blasts of red magical energy, powerful enough to slow the charge of Heretic Gods as powerful as the Boar. She, like many other characters in the series, can conjure and summon magical barriers to shield her from attacks and entrap others. For Erica, these manifest in the form of intricate red glyphs with rose symbols in the center and scripture rotating around the outer edges, which befits her moniker, the Diavolo Rosso (Red Devil). She also makes frequent use of a spell she calls the Boots of Hermes, which conjures a glyph underneath her feet to either propel her into the air or horizontally across flat surfaces at great speed.


When cast by Erica, the spell transforms her sword Cuore di Leone into a copy of the Lance of Longinus which pierced the side of Christ after his death, granting it the power to pierce even gods.

Golgotha Spell Words:

  • "Eli Eli lama sabachthani? Oh Lord, why hast thou forsaken me? O my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent. But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels. My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death. For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my strength, haste thee to help me. Deliver my soul from the sword; Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of wild oxen! I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee."

Sacred Privilege of Extermination

The ultimate secret rite of European magic, and a power that rivals Seishuuin Ena's divine possession. This power offers the user a power boost, increasing the strength of their magic and physical ability by magnitudes, and allows it to fly like a witch enabling it to compete with a divine beast.

Spell Words of Smiting:

  • "And seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of the Lord went on continually, and blew with the trumpets: and the armed men went before them! They compassed the city seven times. And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the Lord hath given you the city. And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword. Cursed before the Lord is the one who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho: At the cost of his firstborn son he will lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest he will set up its gates."


  • Erica found her magic sword at the same time and the same place that Liliana Kranjcar found hers. [Novel: Volume 3]
  • Erica's favorite spell appears to be her version of Leap, called Sandles of Hermes.
  • During the series, Erica is the first woman to let Godou Kusanagi see her in the nude.
    • She is the first one that Godou had seen nude multiple times.
    • Although she was only the second woman to take off her towel in the hot spring.
    • She also appears to sleep in her underwear and sometimes nude.
  • Ten-odd generations ago, the commander-in-chief of Copper Black Cross was a Campione's illegitimate child. Thus members of the Blandelli family, like Erica, are his descendants.
  • Along with her friend Liliana, Erica is one of the few user of the Word of Smiting, a spell known only by Paladino/Paladin-ranked knights, such as Sir Iceman from Royal Arsenal, her uncle Paolo Blandelli and Saint Raffaello.
  • Her date of birth is March 18.
  • Erica looks similar like Christiane Friedrich from Maji De Watashi Ni Koi Shinsai! (Majikoi). Even the weapons that they use almost similar.
  • Erica's spells are derived from the KJV Bible. The Golgatha Spell Words beginningis an Aramaic Phrase mentioned in Matthew 27:46 and the rest of the spell is derived from most of Psalm 22.The Word of Smiting Spell Words is derived mostly from Joshua 6:13-26.
  • Erica's Japanese and English voice actors both play Houki Shinonono from Infinite Stratos.

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