Godou Kusanagi[]
At first, Liliana saw Godou as nothing more than another Campione whose desire is nothing but conquest. However, after she allied with him during the battle with the Campione Voban, Liliana pledged herself to be Godou's knight and first advisor, and she has attempted to do honor to that position. However, as time has passed, Liliana has found herself falling in love with Godou, a feeling that Godou seems to be reciprocating. In volume 18 chapter 10, it is revealed that they are both aware of their feelings for each other, but under the pretext of lord and knight, they are dating like lovers. By the end of the series, their relationship has gotten so intimate that they have sex after Godou returns from his parallel world travels and even desires his child, much to his surprise.
In Volume EX, the relationship between Liliana and Godou becomes more romantic, and they even look like they are getting married. Liliana is more respectful towards Godou, and the two of them still use the pretense of Lord and Knight; however, they no longer hide their feelings. At one point, Liliana asks Godou to check her wounds as he did but finds none, and he realizes that she did it to have sex with him, which they end up doing. At some point, Godou and Liliana end up getting married.
Erica Blandelli[]
Liliana and Erica are old friends and rivals from two different orders of knighthood, the Bronze-Black Cross and the Copper-Black Cross, and they are the only members who can stand toe to toe with each other in overall skills. However, they are otherwise complete opposites. Liliana is a Witch who is very conscious of duty and formalities, while Erica is a Hermetic mage who is much more relaxed about them, though both have a very strong sense of honor. The relationship between these two gets closer since becoming godou's women, they often work together to support Their king and man Kusanagi Godou. By the end of the series, they work together in Shanghai, making associations under Godou's command, and join forces with associations under queen of material art. They even became comfortable enough with one another that both of them were willing to have sex with Godou at the same time.
Yuri Mariya[]
Yuri and Liliana are old acquaintances, their first meeting was in Voban's attempt to summon a Heretic God. The two met again four years later. when Yuri was captured by Voban, she and Liliana met again, given the situation Yuri and Liliana could not talk to each other. Liliana, deep down, did not want what Voban was going to do to Yuri and wanted to save her, but she did not show this to the outside because of the fear she had of Voban if she disobeyed his orders. However, after having defected from Voban thanks to Erica, the relationship between Yuri and Liliana improved. After Liliana became Godou's knight, Liliana and Yuri officially forged a friendship.
Ena Seishuuin[]
While she did not accept Ena as a friend at the moment in Volume 5, Liliana, however, only accepts her as a harem member because Godou should not turn away a woman coldly and treat her the same as the rest. Over time, while Liliana sees Ena as a brute and too carefree, she does, however, sees her as a friend among them.
Just as she see's most humans, Athena viewed Liliana as a lower existence. However, upon the discovery of Liliana's sixth sense, she considered Liliana a threat to her plans for Godou.
Karen Jankulovski[]
Karen is Liliana's maid, as well as her apprentice in witchcraft. Karen likes to team up with Erica to poke fun at Liliana, by providing Erica with information that Liliana would find embarrassing.
Sasha Dejanstahl Voban[]
Liliana was previously the knight of Voban, at the command of her grandfather upon discovering that Erica was Godou's lover and by causing the Copper-Black Cross to surpass the Bronze-Black Cross in power. Liliana, due to her loyalty to her grandfather, accepted, but she also had her doubts and fear because Liliana previously met Voban four years ago in a ritual that Hime-Mikos and Witches participated in to summon a Heretic God for Voban, but the ritual ended badly since most of those present lost their mental sanity while she, Yuri, and a small group preserved it. Liliana served Voban and showed respect for him, due to her pride as a knight and due to the fact that Voban is a Campione, but deep down, she actually didn't want to serve him, due to her fear of him and also because of his threats to her that he would kill her and make her one of his undead servants if she failed him. But her service to Voban would not last for long, as Erica managed to make Liliana join Godou thanks to blackmail and also by making her see that Godou was a good person and that it wasn't right to support Voban's tyranny.