Andrea Rivera[]
Rivera regards Salvatore as “human trash” most of the time, but they were friends, even before Salvatore became a Campione. Even if others were to disregard that, he is still able to criticize the devil king directly without fear; with this fortitude and diligence of his which can be admired by many in doing so, he had obtained this role or title as [The King's Butler].
Godou Kusanagi[]
Salvatore finds Godou to be interesting, and he's willing to lend the 'Book in Praise of David's Great Works' to Erica just so that it can protect Godou better. Salvatore declared Godou as his 'Eternal Rival', despite Godou thinking of him as one of the stupidest people in the world and he ever meets.
Luo Hao[]
The oldest female Campione and second oldest from them. Doni is shown to be excited to be able to fight with her and during combat was impressed by her power and abilities as a fellow combatant. She likewise acknowledged his talent even go as far as to said that rival her own.