Campione! Wiki
Salvatore Doni
Salvatori Doni
Kana サルヴァトーレ·ドニ
Romaji Saruvatōre Doni
Age 24

40+ (At the end of EX)

Gender Male
Ethnicity Italian
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Other Names King of Swords

Heretical Genius
Europe's Greatest Swordsman

Equipment Sword

Nuadha Authorities: Ripping Arm of Silver
Siegfried Authorities: Man of Steel
Vulcan Authorities: Return to Medieval Style
Dionysus Authorities: Curse of Rampage
Phobos & Deimos Authorities: Iron Stampede
Vahagn Authorities: The Sword Hidden from God

Personal Status
Relatives Pandora (Adoptive Mother)
Affiliations Copper-Black Cross (Associate)
Bronze-Black Cross (Associate)
Rank Campione
Voice Actor

Salvatore Doni is one of the younger generations of Campiones and a supporting character of the series.


Salvatore is a young handsome man in his middle twenties with a well-built body, spiky short blonde hair, and dark blue eyes. He's seen to wear an unbuttoned blue shirt, grey pants, and sunglasses. he also wears a necklace around his neck.

In Campione EX, Salvatore retains his youthful appearance due to his godslayer's physiology. He wore a Red aloha shirt combined with knee-length pants and sunglasses.


Doni is a carefree and irresponsible person who brings disaster to his associates whenever he does something irresponsible and believes that if there is a problem, he can solve it with his sword. He doesn't even realize how much trouble and how many problems he actually causes to others. Stated to be the kind of person who can fight to the death against a person, and later, sit down to drink with them. Decades after his first introduction, Doni's personality remains the same. Doni often forgets people's names, and this is not due to a bad memory but to a lack of interest.

In contrast to his friendliness, Doni usually keeps everything to himself and abstains from interacting with other people because he finds it to be really troublesome. This aspect of his personality stems from the fact that he finds normal human behavior, such as working for a living, housework, or human relationships to be boring. He would rather spend his time alone in the wasteland while polishing his sword skills.

Doni is someone who's easily intrigued by something new. At the end of Volume 21, Doni expresses his desire to learn how to move between dimensions. However, he also has a dislike for something that's too complicated and troublesome. After he attained a method to move between parallel worlds, Doni finds it to be 'troublesome and tedious' and refrains from doing it a few times. Nevertheless, he's willing to do something that he dislikes if it aligns with his goal by visiting Godou's temple of infinite time to gain knowledge of sanctuary Hyperborea.

Even before becoming a campione, he was often (and justifiably) called an idiot, stupid, and moron. And afterward, people who knew him still called him these behind his back, albeit with more reason to it. And his butler and best friend, Andrea, constantly scolds him because of said idiocy. If one were to rate the Campione, out of all seven, he would be the first to be truly called Epimetheus' illegitimate child: A MORON!!!

Doni likes to pretend to be enraged to make the European magical societies do as he wishes, such as when he forces a confrontation between himself and Godou.

Despite his dumb personality, Doni is somewhat similar to Godou and Aisha in terms of caring for the others since Doni helped Liliana to be officially dismissed as Voban's knight as he knows about the battle that Godou had with him, and he knew that Liliana served by the orders of her grandfather. After learning that, Doni scolded Liliana's grandfather and other members who agreed with the service on Voban, and also he gave that news to Liliana to keep her calm. This shows that Doni can care for other people's feelings.


Salvatore Doni was born without the ability to store magical energy in his body, rendering him unable to perform magic, which ultimately resulted in him failing to become a Knight Templar since being a knight requires one to know an adequate amount of magic and swordsmanship. However, he is an otherworldly genius in terms of martial arts, especially swordsmanship. Saint Raffaello once stated that he was able to master all of her sword techniques in a mere span of a month, while Luo Hao stated that his skill in terms of the sword is on par with hers.

Being a failed knight, Doni often took dirty jobs that a normal templar knight, such as Erica or Liliana, wouldn't take, and one of these jobs required him to go to a museum in Turkey. There, he was possessed by the divine spirit of St. George. The spirit of St. George, hungering to hunt a god, made him travel to Ireland, where he spent the better part of a year hunting gods. Eventually, he found the gates to the Fairy Realm, where Nuadha manifested to challenge him. The spirit of St. George was ultimately killed by Nuadha, after which Doni challenged Nuadha to a duel and managed to slay Nuadha, making him the sixth godslayer in the world.

As a godslayer, Doni is called “the strongest knight of Italy” and "Europe's strongest swordsman". His lack of magical knowledge and skill, yet still being able to fight well enough to slay a Heretic God makes some call him a 'heretical genius.'


Light Novel (Spoiler)[]

Volume 1:[]

Salvatore Doni mentions briefly that he believes he is away from Italy in healing time from his battle wounds with Godou, resulting in a draw.

Volume 2:[]

Salvatore Doni called Godou to warn him about Voban. Salvatore Doni made his 1st official appearance near the end of the volume while Liliana was giving her report on what happened in Japan. He was thrilled to hear that Godou made Voban retreat and at the same time, he openly stated that he anticipates that Godou will get stronger so they can have another fight. In between these conversations, Salvatore stated that he helped Liliana officially get dismissed from serving Voban.

Volume 3:[]

During the flashback of how Godou became a Campione, Salvatore Doni was briefly mentioned and stated that he was already a Campione.

Volume 4:[]

Salvatore Doni cuts open a Grimoire that releases a dragon that will guarantee to attract a Heretic God to that location. When the Grimoire was cut, Salvatore was blasted out into the sea. Sensing several Heretic Gods and Godou at the scene, he initially lets the responsibility fall to Godou while he decides to stop anyone who might help Godou out. Once Salvatore temporarily disables them, he goes back to watch Godou fight the Heretic God.
By the time Salvatore appears on the scene, Godou has already lost consciousness. Salvatore then killed the already weakened Heretic God, Perseus. However, he did not gain any new Authorities and left the scene as quickly as he came.

Volume 6:[]

Prince Alec and Princess Alice describe his unpredictable behavior as a ticking time bomb, and another time he was mentioned was when Luo Hao stated that she once fought with him before.

Volume 7:[]

While Godou was fighting Sun Wukong, Godou mentioned that Salvatore had an authority similar to immortality, which was a body of steel.

Volume 8:[]

In Volume 8, there are short stories, flashbacks, and slice of life events in different chapters.

Chapter 1: (This is a short story that takes place before Chapter 4 of Volume 6 of Campione!) Salvatore Doni was mentioned in this chapter.
Chapter 2: (This chapter takes place a week after Volume 7) Salvatore Doni was mentioned in this chapter.
Chapter 3: (This a short story that takes place 4 years before the main story of Campione!) Salvatore Doni was introduced into this short story as a young man who seemed to have just lost his memory as he was wondering around in the city of Florence. He later met Erica and Liliana. They later came along with him when they discovered his connection to Saint Raffaello. The young man led the two outside the city to a series of medieval castles and forts. He started cutting up the place because he thought it might work as a signal fire for people related to the buildings he was destroying. Moments later, a young lady riding a horse came to check who causing the destruction, only to find her so called unworthy disciple, doing something stupid. This young lady was Saint Raffaello, a very well known and powerful knight that had retired from the active scenes. The two young ladies that followed Salvatore Doni immediately introduced themselves to her as Erica Blandelli and Liliana Kranjcar. They tried to asset the situation by asking Saint Raffaello a question but they got interrupted by Salvatore Doni who wanted to fight Saint Raffaello. Saint Raffaello discovers that Salvatore Doni had become a Campione. Saint Raffaello finally hit Doni in the temple. Doni’s memory started coming back (and it was revealed by the novel in a short summary how Doni became a Campione). They then did a final strike and his master won by taking out Doni’s fake sword. Saint Raffaello give an advice to Salvatore Doni that will later cause a direct and indirect hardship and suffering to countless others as a result to his eccentric behavior. Later, the two young ladies came back to the surface that they fell in from the fight that was caused by the master and disciple. They greeted the newly born Campione and Saint Raffaello with courtesy. Before Doni left the scene, his master entrusted him to safeguard the grimoire “The Book in Praise of David's Great Works” because she didn’t want to anymore, but she also wanted him to find someone he trusted to safeguard it for him because she didn’t trust him to do the job right.

Volume 9:[]

Salvatore Doni made a small appearance in Volume 9, while eating a Gelato (ice cream) and doing nothing.

Volume 10:[]

Salvatore Doni was mentioned several times in Volume 10.

Volume 11:[]

The whole Volume 11 is a flashback story, continuing off right after when Godou just defeated Verethragna and became a Campione.

Salvatore Doni made a brief appearance before Godou as he (Godou) was about leave for Japan at the airport. Doni came back from South America when he heard there was a Heretic God in Italy in hopes of fighting it only to find out that another Campione already finishes the job. Not damper by this fact when the Campione in question is right before him (Doni), Doni then decided right at the airport and challenge the newly born Campione to a duel. Believing Doni was joking, the newly born Campione known as Godou Kusanagi reply back like it was and hurries on to his plane.
(A few days have passed since the meeting with Godou at the airport, Doni pretended to be angry about being turned down for his duel; he then requests the Copper Black Cross association to get Godou to him while he himself loiterer around Milan) Doni probably heard Godou arrived in Milan, so he headed out to meet him; just as he (Doni) arrived at where Godou was, Godou already destroy the majority of his surrounding environment. Doni was very pleased that Godou is here, and he happily explains to Godou that he pretended to be angry so he get thing done his way. After he happily explains his idiotic scheme to Godou, Doni then forced Godou into fighting him. After several engagements, Godou retreated while leaving Doni unofficially winning the first round; Doni then ordered the Copper Black Cross members to track down Godou. Sometime after Godou retreated; Doni received a letter of challenge by magic from Godou with a time and places, so Doni waited until then. The day before the duel, and after his first round with Godou, Doni’s chaperone/butler/assistant, Andrea Rivera, arrived angrily at where Doni was and started yelling at him for his idiotic action he's being doing up until now including using people to kidnap him (Rivera) so he (Doni) can fool around. Rivera then settles down after he finishes his yelling lecture at Doni and gets on with the business of taking care of the mess and the aftermath of Doni's duel tomorrow. Then next day, Doni arrived at the place of the duel happily ready for the rematch while his opponent, Godou, was in foul mood. After each have their small chat with each other, they then engage in combat with their rematch. After several engagements with each other, Doni was sent to the bottom of the lake while being burned by the inexperienced Godou who was already at his limit. The next day, Doni greeted Godou and Erica with a happy face at a nearby restaurant, telling them that yesterday's duel was a draw. Being the fact they all hungry, they waited until food that they ordered arrived and when it did arrive, somehow it turn into a contest of who could eat the most between Godou and Doni; Doni left after he ate.

Volume 12:[]

Salvatore Doni was mentioned in Volume 12.

Short Story 5:[]

During the “Short Story 5”, Salvatore was mentioned very briefly as an idiot.

Volume 14:[]

Volume 15:[]

When Doni arrived at ancient Gaul, he then encountered Uldin. After he left Uldin's castle, he then wandered north, joined a caravan, and serve as a bodyguard. Soon after, he encountered Artio as she was about to punish a tribe of Franks to avenge their chasing away the Celts. In their first encounter, Doni was able to chase Artio off after dealing her a serious injury.

Volume 17:[]

Doni makes a minor appearance at the end, stating his intention to kill all other Campiones, so he can face the King of the End.


Salvatore appears in the fifth episode of the anime on a link to Godou, saying he is his best friend. However, Goudou does not understand how he got his phone number. In the conversation, he says they are Campiones, and therefore, need to be friends. Salvatore then informs Godou that a very old Campione is in Japan, Marquis Voban.

Powers & Abilities[]

Despite his young age, Salvatore Doni is one of the greatest swordsmen in history, capable of slaying Heretic Gods without the benefit of magic weapons or spells purely though his sword mastery and physical prowess.

Immense magical energy: Formerly, Doni suffered from a disability that prevent his body from holding magical energy. However, after his ascension as a godslayer, Doni's body is now cured from this handicap and possesses immense magical energy.

Immense magic resistance: As a godslayer, Doni is capable of dispelling any sort of magical spells with simple physical gesture. The only type of power capable of bypassing his defense is divine authority, but even that, his resistance will lower the power of the enemy's authority to a certain percentage.

Immense Vitality: Doni's life force is gigantic. He's capable of closing any wounds quickly with his body immense life force. It also grants him longevity as he's still looking like a young man despite he's in his 40s. He's also resilient enough to recover from being poisoned by King of The End's arrowhead despite his exhaustion. If he activates his authority, his body can survive in space without any sustenance for many years.

Immense pain tolerance: Doni's body releases several hundred times more adrenaline than a normal human. This biological advantage allows him to fight on despite receiving heavy injuries.

Superhuman Strength: Doni can cut through godslayer's bones without using his all-cutting authority. It's worth mentioning that godslayer's bones are harder than any metal alloys on earth.

Superhuman Speed: Doni is capable of using [Leap] magic to greatly enhance his own running speed, comparable to a speeding car. At least in terms of speed, he is capable of catching up to Godou's boosted speed via [Camel]. When he fights an enemy who's faster than him, Doni has a special set of footwork that allows him to avoid the on coming attacks with ease even godspeed users find him to be hard to hit in close combat.

Superhuman Reflexes: His reflex is fast enough to cut a single raindrop from falling rain. Doni can dodge 12 consecutive strikes from godspeed users effortlessly by minimizing all of his unnecessary movements. It is noteworthy that godspeed doesn't follow any normal rules of physics, thus constantly maintaining its velocity at 150 kilometers per second. A fact that Doni manages to easily dodge them is a testament on how fast he can process information and move his body accordingly to it. Godou mentioned that Doni's body flickered with extreme speed when he dodged Hanuman's attacks. By the time of Devil King Civil War, Doni's sword slash finally catch up with godspeed and Alec, who's an expert user of this technique deems it to be unavoidable.

Superhuman Stamina: Due to his immense life force, godslayer's physiology and his martial background, Doni can fight for a very long time without resting or slowing down.

Superhuman Durability: Godslayer's bones are tougher than any kind of steel on earth. His muscle and fat are also enhanced to be extremely durable even surpass a normal demigod from the lineage of the war god. Doni's probably the toughest one out of the current generation of godslayers with his authority.

Superhuman Perception: Doni trains his eyes to the point that he can slice out a single droplet from rainwater without any difficulty. His visual acuity is great enough to catch up with genuine lighting speed. Doni also sharpens his ear so that it can perceive even the smallest details like tendon movements or a sound blood flowing within human's veins.

Night vision: Doni's eyes can see in the dark better than any nocturnal beasts. His eyes are sensitive enough to use sparks from his sword clashes to light up his field of vision.

Unparallel Swordsmanships: Doni is the best sword user in the series. Even prior to his rebirth as a Campione, he was capable of slaying a god with his own skills. His strike is extremely hard to avoid even godspeed users find his blade extremely hard to dodge. He's also a fast learner, during his apprenticeship under St. Rafaello, Doni mastered all of her technique in a matter of months.

Expert armed martial artist: Despite his laser focus in swordsmanships, Doni is very talented in other weapons. He fought and disarmed Nuada, a god with his own spear technique, an incredible feat despite him being just a normal human at the time.

Expert unarmed martial artist: Doni's extremely skilled in an unarmed combat especially an jujutsu, he effortlessly throw Erica 20 meters into the sky while calculating a precise force needed to incapacitate her without any permanent damages. his skills are potent enough to intimidate Hanuman, a god specialized in close quarter combat.

Combat observation skills: While lacking in other intellectual fields, Doni's eyes can catch minors details regarding his opponent martial prowess. He quickly deduces that Hanuman isn't fighting with his best weapons after a brief skimish. It is implied that he correctly deduces Ren's secret identity despite his body's unique constitution.

Investigation skills: Doni used to work as a bodyguard for mafia and those who associate with the underworld, giving him an experience in information gathering and espionage.

Talented musician: Doni is proven to have a high aptitute for music instrument. Toba Fumika commented that his guitar skill is extremely good.

Creativity: Doni's mindsets and personality allows him to use his authority in a way that supposedly impossible for normal humans imagination. He also has an extremely simple but unique way of tackling any obstacles. This is extremely frustrating for Godou because Doni's unorthodox and seemingly idiotic methods always yield some results.

Salvatore Doni's Authorities[]

Due to this handicap as well as the fact most of his skills are related to swords, his Authorities manifest themselves to fit his theme which is obviously Swordsman.

Salvatore has a total of Seven Authorities (Though one hasn’t been named yet) usurped from Heretic Gods he has slain.

Ripping Silver Arm - His favorite Authority is that of the Tuatha de Danann Heretic God Nuadha, which grants him a silver arm that can make any object from a sword to a toothpick into an invincible sword.

  • Invincible Sword: His silver arm can turn any objects that Doni touches into a strongest sword that can cut through anything and everything, rivalling even the excalibur of legend. His authority isn't limit to a sword-like object, even ground or meteorite can be transformed into the strongest blade. It is also possible to add several special property such as cursed sword that negate healing or exploding sword that explodes on touches. He can also modify the sword's size and length by releasing a silverly substance from his own arm, creating a gigantic sword rivaling in size to the gigantic avatars of god.

The authority itself is extremely simple, allowing Doni to manifiest it in several different ways during battle;

  • Remote Controlling: Normally, the target object will lose the enhancement from his authority after he release it from his hand, but if Doni concentrates, he can reawaken the power from distance, using them as his projectile weapons during the fight. After a decade of using this authority, Doni's ability to control his sword grows to the point that he can simply detonate the blade and use it as a homing projectile weapon.
  • Meteorite Sword: Doni enhanced several metorites throughout the solar system during his battle with Hyperion. When he desires, he can command it to strike the earth. The attack contains immense power and speed, the strike itself travelling at the speed of 40 KM/S and when it reached the earth, it is capable of splitting continent apart from each other. A hastily released strike can blow a third of a mountain peak apart. The downside of this strike is that it takes a certain amount of time to prepare due to Doni's handicapped magic skill. It is considered to be his strongest attack.

Despite its powerful nature, there's two ways to counter his power.

  • The first method is to have a counterattack authority prepared before hand and use it the instant Doni unleashed his strike.
  • The second method is to clash it with an authority, those who have more magical energy or break his concentration first will be able to fend off his invincible strike.


  • "I hereby swear, I forbid the existence of things I cannot cut!"
  • "O Sword that pierces enemies with but a single swing. For the sake of plundering all life from creation, shine with brilliance!"
  • "Skill must carry power--no matter how godly a skill, without matching "power," one would simply fail and be slaughtered in the end."
  • "O Sword, shining bright, release flames!"
  • " A long armed strike!"
  • "O silver arm, upon my oath, turn into the invincible blade!"
  • "O arm of Nuada, grant me the sword of victory!"

Man of Steel - For defense, he has the Authority from the Norse Heretic God Siegfried, which gives him a body as hard and as heavy as steel.

  • Invulnerability: This authority turns Doni's body into a walking steel fortress. The invulnerable body can handle an extreme physical conditions such as a vacumm of space or the flame generated by [White Stallion]. Doni can also increase the durability of his body by increasing his weight, it doesn't matter how heavy he is, the authority allows him to move like normal. Doni sometime exploits this aspect of his authority to grant him a pseudo superhuman strength, stomping his enemy with a body weight equal to that of a bulldozer.
  • Immortality: Doni will not die when he activates this power, he doesn't require any sustenence like food, water or even air. When he was injured, the steel body immediatly seals the wound and preserve his life despite several of his internal organs are completely destroyed. In the most extreme case, his body will enter a suspended animation to allow his natural healing ability to kick in, but he won't be able to move or defend himself during this period of resusication.
  • Blessing of Steel: By spreading his defensive power, Doni can create a barrier composed of several runic characters to guard his allies. However, the barrier can be break through with enough force or godslayer's magic resistance.

There's some weakness to this authority.

  • Doni's body will feel like he's wearing a suit of armor when he used this power. It may not be a noticeable limitation, but he finds this annoying and prefers to fight without using this power.
  • Similar to other god of steel, his body can be melt with enough heat, so an authority with enough fire power could potentially injure him.
  • If his opponent can release an attack that physically affects his brain, it might knock him out. However, Doni said that he was very exhausted at the time, so the results might be different if he's in top condition.
  • His own authority can cut through his body, if the opponent can counter his attack with his own power then they can bypass his defense.


  • "Even if the body is crushed and scattered, the sword never dies! The broken blade shall be melted down in the furnace, forged once more to be reborn as a new sword! This level of flames cannot destroy me!"
  • "O blood of the evil dragon Fafnir, bestow upon me the fate of invulnerability."
  • "O mark of divine protection, become a wall of black steel!"

Return to Medieval Style - He also has the Authority from the Heretic God Vulcan. It negates all modern devices and conveniences by casting a barrier of 'Restriction,' which degrades the level of civilization within the area he's in, to the point where technology more advanced than middle age level is unusable within a few kilometers for half a day. However, the more power he uses upon activation, the larger the area it covers and the greater its duration to the point where it is possible to cover a metropolis the size of Milan for multiple days. It is an Authority with the potential to threaten the world. When he uses it a revolving circular board appears beneath his feet with the Latin words 'nudus ara' (plow nude) and 'sere nudus' (sow nude), words of the poet Hesiod, and when he cancels the Authority he shatters the board.

Divine Confusion or Curse of Rampage - Doni's fourth Authority is from the Heretic God Dionysus, which causes Authorities and other magics to go berserk and out of their users' control. Powerful magical artifacts will spontaneously combusts when they're close to him. It is so powerful that even Doni himself cannot completely control it, but can serve as a powerful trump card if used correctly. However, it needs a fair amount of time to prepare, but he can partially activate it to affect specific targets.


  • "O priestesses of Bacchus—Summon the divine child. Rendered drunk by the violent god's wine, home abandoned, wandering in the mountains. Worship and serve us gods!"
  • "O priestesses of Bacchus, be drunk with the wine of gods!"

Iron Stampede - Doni's fifth authority from the Heretic Gods Phobos and Deimos. It grants Doni a control over anything that moves on the ground. He can give them a simple command such as attack, assault or runaway, but a more complex order is impossible. He can arm controlled army with steel armor with a blade protruding from its body. Doni can control more than ten of thousands units.

The Sword Hidden From God - Salvatore Doni's sixth authority, an ability he obtained from Armenian god of war, Vahagn. It is an ability create a gigantic destructive laser beam that mimic Doni's slash, destroying his enemy in a single stroke. It boasts a great enough power to destroy Voban's summoned Fenrir's skull in one strike, replacing the meteorite sword as his main projectile weapon. Doni activates this authority by performing an iai slashing on an empty air, a streak of light will follow immediately after.


  • "Yosh, I see it. ……Light"


  • All authority´s which Doni possesses are from male gods, the opposite of Ren who are goddesses.
  • Doni is one of the three Campione that could actually soil Luo Hao’s clothing with dust. [Novel: Volume 6]
  • Doni is one of the four Campione born in the modern age, called the New Generation.
  • Doni is the only Campione who does not possess a giant sized avatar.
  • It's suggested that the reason Godou doesn't get along with Doni is because Doni reminds him of his father too much.
  • Toba Fumika intially named his sixth authority [Soaring Dragon Flash(Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki]. However, she changed her mind due to the copyright.
  • Although unseen, it is known that in the anime, Godou and Doni have their two fights in Italy, as it seen in Volume 11, and this was mentioned in the sixth episode of the anime.

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