Campione! Wiki
Sun Wukong
カンピオーネ 第17巻 195
Age Millennia Old
Gender Male
Ethnicity Chinese
Hair Color Gold
Eye Color Red
Other Names Monkey King
Son Goku
Great Sage Equaling Heaven
Big Bro
Equipment Ruyi Jingu Bang (Divine Staff)
Skin of Steel
God Speed
Divine Might
Size variation
Personal Status
Relatives Zhu Ganglie (Sworn Middle Brother)
Vaisravana (Sworn Little Brother)
Rank Heretic God
Voice Actor

Sun Wukong is one of the Heretic Gods of Campione!


At some point in the past, a powerful priest, with the aide of Susanoo developed a spell known as Keeper of the Horses which would allow him to bind the Heretic God Sun Wukong within the Netherworld, and harness his powers as a guardian. This worked, transforming all of Sun Wukong (except his head) into a stone statue, except for those few times when it was necessary to release him.


Sun Wukong is a prankster and trickster of the first order. He loves causing problems and trouble, no matter what harm it may cause to people. He also loves a good fight.


Sun Wukong has the form of a monkey with golden fur and red eyes that walks upright and is the size of an adult human.

During part of his appearance in Volume 6 and Volume 7, Sun Wukong possessed Hikari Mariya, so he had her appearance.

Monkey in girl 1

Sun Wukong takes Hikari's body


Light Novel[]

Appearances: Volume 6-7, Vol 16-17

Mention: Volume 9-10, 12

Powers & Abilities[]

Sun Wukong wields terrific strength and an ability to jump thousands of miles in an instant. He has also shown the power to turn large masses of people into monkeys, control monkeys, and he can also summon giant monkey Divine Beasts. Along with his powers as a Heretic God, Sun Wukong is an expert at the Daoist Arts, and a warrior powerful enough to have been able to defeat all the armies of the Jade Emperor before being sealed away. He also has a powerful magic staff which can be extended to taller than a mountain, or as small as a needle, and a golden cloud that can allow him to fly anywhere in the world. While flying on the cloud, he is able to gradually increase his speed, eventually reaching Godspeed.


  • Steel Body: Sun Wukong's body, like most Gods of Steel, seems to be made of living steel, giving it extreme durability, his resistance to physical attacks is more than capable of withstanding attacks, explosions, or the blows of Campione Luo Hao, Godou's rays, as well as blows with the authority of Godou's bull
  • Size variation: He has also shown the power to grow to immense size; being able to adopt heights comparable to hills, skyscrapers, or "so high that his head reaches the clouds" (according to Erica); the downside is that it becomes very slow and requires using your divine speed authority to keep up with other powerful individuals like gods or campiones.
  • Divine Might: His superhuman strength is capable of damaging beings with the regimen of steel, and destroying mountains, obtains incredible physical strength that he shows enough control over that even when throwing someone a great distance, she can make them land softly enough to prevent serious injury; his strength level is enough to go toe-to-toe against Godou or Luo Hao managing to overcome them when he activates his pact of the star of the steel king, his strength allows him to take great leaps "capable of reaching the edge of the universe"
  • Divine Speed: Grants you divine speed, or divine speed, as well as an extremely light body. It can also slow him down so much, by using this speed he can attack so fast that his enemies will feel that they are attacked by someone invisible, he can also combine this speed with his steel body, which has a double damaging effect on his enemies.
  • The great ritual of the Old Covenant: His most powerful authority. The condition for Sun Wukong seems to be facing multiple godslayers and praying to the star of the sword god of fate that kills Râkshasas, described as an imitation of the King of End, with this enabled authority, his power is multiplied to match the combined power of all currently live Campione.
  • Kiton cloud: It is a simple yellow cloud that serves as a means of transport for those who can use it. It can be called from any open space and transport the traveler to any place, with the maximum height of the upper atmosphere (approx 10 000 km above the earth's surface), it is unknown if I could visit other planets such as Hyperion's carriage. The user of this new can access the divine speed, it also adapts to the size of the user.
    Kinton Cloud

    Magic Cloud

  • Shapeshifting: Sun possesses highly developed shape-shifting capabilities. He is able to adopt almost any form imaginable whether it be animals, other humanoid beings, or even inanimate objects. According to its myths, it can take the form of 72 different things,( It has evolved into animals such as snakes, eagles, mice, and bees, acquiring the basic natural abilities inherent in each form. While he may take the likeness of another god, giant, or human, he will not necessarily gain the special physical or mental powers of the being he imitates;)this being one of the aspects it has of immortality.
  • Divine monkey: With this power, he can turn humans into monkeys (of all species), and these become his servants (source of psionic power, the more followers he has, the greater his dominance as the "Monkey King")
  • Divine Beast: He can summon a large number of monkey beasts (in volumes 6 and 7 there are 4) they are a cross between gorilla monkey and orangutan, golden color (possibly a reference to the dragon ball manga) the strength of these creatures is immense, being necessary the Godou's Bull force or Smith's magic bullets to defeat them
  • Divine magic:Each of his hair has magical properties, so he can transform them into his clones, weapons, animals, things, or other objects. He also knows various spells to direct wind, part water, conjure protective circles against demons, and freeze men, demons, and deities, to name a few. Unlike most gods, Sun Wukong earned his immortality by fighting for Heaven; in volume 17 I cast the spell to awaken the king of the end

It has been noted that Sun Wukong's divine power fluctuates for unknown reasons. Most of the time, it appears he's only as strong as any other Heretic God, other times, his power grows to exceed that of any Heretic God Godou or John Pluto Smith have ever encountered. What triggers this temporary power growth appears to be when Sun Wukong is outnumbered. Perhaps derived from the aspect of his legend where he defeated an army by himself, but lost to a single opponent. It is apparently a power unique to certain Gods of Steel and multiplies his power levels to equal the number of opponents he has.

As a God of Steel, Sun Wukong is comfortable in temperatures that would prove oppressive, if not fatal, for humans. However, he also fears temperatures sufficient to melt iron and steel.


  • Ru Yi Bang:It is the magic staff used by Sun Wukong in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West. It is an iron cane (but as hard as diamond) complacent, with which it changes in size and shape according to the desire of its owner. You can also change the number, being able to multiply indefinitely, following all the copies at the service of their owner. Used in the construction of the Milky Way, Wukong obtains it from the underwater palace of the Dragon King. When he's not in need of it, Wukong shrinks it down to the size of a needle and tucks it behind his ear. The inscription on its shaft reads: "The accommodating bar of gold tips. Weight: thirteen thousand five hundred jīn (8,100 kilos)

This staff can acquire the size of Sun Wukong when it becomes giant, this staff can damage enemies with the steel body atrocity, and it also has the ability to weaken/damage enemies of the dragon type


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